ZOOM! for a
BRIGHTER WHITER SMILEWhitening is one of the most popular and safe cosmetic dental procedures being done today. We offer a chairside professional whitening system called ZOOM!. It is safe, convenient and offers immediate results especially for the busy individual.
ZOOM! is a bleaching process that lightens discolored teeth. The procedure is simple and takes less than an hour in the office. The clinician will prepare you with a short process of covering your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. A special whitening gel is applied which is designed to work with a special light. They work together to gently penetrate the teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration.
Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who may benefit from whitening?
A: Almost anyone. However, treatment may not be as effective for some as it is for others. We can determine if you are a viable candidate for this procedure through a thorough oral exam, including a shade assessment.
Q: Do many people whiten their teeth?
A: More people than you might imagine. A bright sparkling smile can make a huge difference for everyone.
Q: How long do the results last?
A: By following some simple post whitening care instructions, your teeth will always be lighter than they were before. To keep your teeth looking their best, we recommend flossing, brushing twice daily, and occasional touch-ups with a professional whitening gel that we will provide to you.
Q:How does the ZOOM! In-office system work?
A: The light activated whitening gel's active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As the Hydrogen Peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin, bleaching colored substances while the structure of the tooth is unchanged. The ZOOM! light aids in activating the hydrogen peroxide and helps it penetrate the surface of the tooth. A study has shown that use of the Zoom! lamp increases the effectiveness of the Zoom! gel by 26% or more, giving an average improvement of eight shades.
Q: What does the patient experience during the Zoom! In-Office Procedure?
A: During the procedure, patients may comfortably listen to music or read.